Tuesday, February 01, 2011

Eurydice stop motion - final

hey everybody! sorry for neglecting this blog for so long! my internet back in tennessee wasn't working, sadly.

here are the final three movies of my eurydice project! they tell the story in three different styles/movements. it's not supposed to really tell the story, more get across the particular feel of it. enjoy!


Sunday, December 12, 2010

such a good student

hey guys, come see the fruits of my diligent note-taking

AS YOU CAN SEE i am very good at paying lots of attention

Thursday, December 09, 2010

self portraits: i got a haircut!

just more doodles of me being a weirdo!

gossip gals

more doodles while watching tv! mister calvin berry was lookin over my shoulder the entire time.

bitches be crazayyy

Saturday, November 20, 2010

eurydice stop motion: I-III

for my independent study, i somehow ended up doing stop motion! i chose the story of eurydice, and these are stills from my first 3 attempts. the first two are very william kentridge-esque, and the third i stole from a new zealand PSA.

all three stop at the part in the story where eurydice dies. i'm doing more stop motion for the rest of the story.

eurydice I - this one was pretty simple. it was basically a test to see if i could get the hang of it or not.

eurydice II - this one i wanted to go for a more kentridge-ian morphing of images from one to the other. this one was a lot more fun than the first.

eurydice III - getting away from charcoal and paper. lots of fun as well.

doodle dump

here, have some assorted dudes and ladies!